Re: Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
Talk about sluggish bandwidth....I'm waiting 4 minutes already and the sites not even halfway loaded....i'll edit this post when the site loads - Just thought I'd let you know that
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CutePHP Forums → Script Feedback and Suggestion → Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
Talk about sluggish bandwidth....I'm waiting 4 minutes already and the sites not even halfway loaded....i'll edit this post when the site loads - Just thought I'd let you know that
yea, by using a different template for each category......
they are using different CSS on each page. (on that GTA site)
Well, on that site.. it's like this..
category1 = purple template
category2 = pink template
It's not doing anything special, just changing colors..
same thing as putting
$category = "5"; //just a number I used... means nothing
$template = "purple"; //just a color the template is named..
include ('path/to/show_news.php');
if you mean how can you put different templates on one page at the same time, my answer is that if you can put more than 1 category on a page, you use the same thing $template = "whatever"; .. but I've never used 2 templates at the same time.
what i have done on my site is made one template with $variables in it for colors that are set by the header include - so each user has the same template, but different colors, but each journal is posted in the 'journal' category (and the community category also has set colors, as does the main site category)
PM me the details? .... I'm a nosey fecker and I want to know as MUCH about cutenews and what you have done to it as possible NyNe
Cheers bud!
i modified it today so that the username is now the foldername (lowercase no spaces) and the nickname is just what is displayed in the links, title, and on the posts
$sd_bgcolor = "#000000";
$sd_textcolor = "#ffffff";
$sd_linkcolor = "#888888";
$ds_linkhover = "#bbbbbb";
$sd_cellbg = "#330000";
$sd_bordercolor = "#555555";
$ds_font_family = "verdana";
$ds_font_size = "10";
$author = "eric";
// header
// journal
$category = "1";
$sortby = $_GET['sortby'];
$start_from = $_GET['start_from'];
$number = "10";
// footer
if ($author == "sds") { $title_nick = ""; $journal_nick = "Shadow Dark"; unset($author); }
elseif ($author == "sdc") { $title_nick = "Community"; $journal_nick = "Shadow Dark Community"; unset($author); $link_nick = "community"; }
else {
$users_file = file("/home/shadowda/public_html/update/data/users.db.php");
foreach($users_file as $user_line){
$user_arr = explode("|", $user_line);
if(stristr("|".$user_arr[2]."|", "|".$author."|")){ $title_nick = $user_arr[4]; $journal_nick = $user_arr[4]."'s Journal"; $link_nick = str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($user_arr[2])); }
echo <<<html
<title>.:ShadowDark:. $title_nick</title>
<style> body { margin:0; background-color: $sd_bgcolor; color: $sd_textcolor; font-family: $ds_font_family; font-size: $ds_font_size; } td { color: $sd_textcolor; font-family: $ds_font_family; font-size: $ds_font_size; } a { color: $sd_linkcolor; } a:hover { color: $ds_linkhover; } textarea, input, object, select { font-family: $ds_font_family; font-size: $ds_font_size; background-color: $sd_cellbg; color: $sd_textcolor; border: 1px $sd_bordercolor solid; } </style><center>
<a name="top"></a>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" align="center">[url=$link_nick]$journal_nick[/url]</td></tr></table>
<table width="75%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top" align="center">
<? echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?>
///////////////////// TEMPLATE Default /////////////////////
$template_active = <<<HTML
<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td width="10%"></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" width="100%">[b]{title}
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="130"><tr><td>[b]{date}
Eastern Standard Time[/b]</td></tr></table>
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" colspan="2">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
[full-link]Read More ...[/full-link]
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
[com-link]{comments-num} Comments[/com-link]
$template_full = <<<HTML
<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td width="10%"></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" width="100%">[b]{title}
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="130"><tr><td>[b]{date}
Eastern Standard Time[/b]</td></tr></table>
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" colspan="2">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
{views} views
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
[com-link]{comments-num} Comments[/com-link]
$template_comment = <<<HTML
<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td width="15%"></td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="130"><tr><td>[b]{date}
Eastern Standard Time[/b]</td></tr></table>
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" colspan="2">
$template_form = <<<HTML
<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td height="20" colspan="2">
<table width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg">: p o s t c o m m e n t :</td></tr></table>
<tr><td width="10%"></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor">
<td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" colspan="2">
<div align="center">y o u r : n a m e <input type="text" name="name" tabindex="1">
y o u r : e m a i l <input type="text" name="mail" tabindex="2">
:: c o m m e n t ::
<textarea cols="60" rows="15" name="comments" tabindex="3"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add My Comment" accesskey="s">
<input type=checkbox name=CNremember id=CNremember value=1> <label for=CNremember>Remember Me</label> | <input type="button" value="Forget Me" onclick="javascript:CNforget();"></div>
$template_prev_next = <<<HTML
<table width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" align="center">[prev-link]<< Previous[/prev-link] {pages} [next-link]Next >>[/next-link]</td></tr></table>
$template_comments_prev_next = <<<HTML
<table width="100%" height="100%" bgcolor="$sd_bordercolor" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5"><tr><td bgcolor="$sd_cellbg" align="center">[prev-link]<< Older[/prev-link] ({pages}) [next-link]Newest >>[/next-link]</td></tr></table>
and i have a Default_dh.tpl but i dont think i need to put it up here cuz you get the point
you have to do the editing by actually opening default.tpl because editing it through the template editor in the script wont work properly (the php variables will dissapear)
that's all pretty self explanitory if you just read the code (i have quite a few hacks installed so dont expect your script to have everything above if it doesnt)
use the word wrap feature (should fix it)
mysql support
i think mysql db is best way to store datas on web. with more security. some one can download your datas on the text file by using a web-site-download program . (like backstreet downloader) user just have to write cutenews directory,than all of datas on his computer . but anyone can't download sql file from mysql database
private message system
lol i know cutenews is just a news/blog entryies system but users want to send private messages between them . i think communication is important . isn't it ?
News Votes Section
i think it should be easy to do . voting system should be like this : system have to got two buttons to wote . "bad" and "good" sections.and votes can be store in a file. so what can we do with this sections ? we will create a button to call news what are them get "good" points . it will be a good idea, so we can read old and good news easly.
advanced members page
i wrote it before in other forums. can a standart member change about somethings for himself? i think it is a good idea . for example i will write my favourite books for this mount in my info than guests can see this in my info . isn't it good ?
it is okey for now i think. i got lots of ideas,but i haven't got php knowledge to make this ideas on scripts
I'd like it if you could post a news item, and specify a date that it will show up on the site.
For example: if I want to write a msg for Christmas, but 2 days before, and then make it be displayed on christmas
Another suggestion for a future version, I haven't found any way to do this with the current CuteNews:
Two avatars per story - a smaller one for the short story, another for the full story, so that one can see a "Active stories" page with thumbnails and, when reading more, the complete story with the big picture.
It would mean having a {avatar-small} and {avatar-big} for a story, instead of just {avatar}. Can this be done?
I know I can manually code pictures into the short or full story but that's way beyond the technical capabilities of people who will use this script on the site I work on. And the whole point of installing CuteNews was to allow others to post news, before I go totally nuts.
Could we have it to where it shows like, that you've edited the main news or something? I think that'd be nice.
Sort of like a "news last updated" kind of thing?
It can be easily done
echo "Page Last Updated on: " . date("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime('path/to/cutenews/data/news.txt'));
Change path/to/cutenews/data/ to where your cutenews data folder resides.
Example: if you installed cutenews on
You would do:
echo "Page Last Updated on: " . date("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime('cutenews/data/news.txt'));
The date() function(s) can be found on
2 suggestions
1) to comments, add something like report post to admin. this opetion sould be really useful if ur a runnig a site with lots of visitors, and u simply cant read all of the comments on the page coz of lack of time.
2) i dont know is this possible, but if it is, could someone explain it to me. if not, then ti goes as my suggestion
i'm using one cutenews on my page.
i'm using 2 categories, but i want 2 headlines shown on my main page. like, latest news and latest reviews. on latest news, when clikced it shows nows of course. and show_news.php is included in the main page.
but on another page (eg. reviews) is shown reviews.
i want to achive, that when clicked on the latest review on the main page it takes my visitor to that review wich is on the review, not the main page.
i hope that i explaind no2 well.
if not, say so
well Hann i had the hack for #1 made and finished for a while but i just posted it now
and as for the reviews thing
make a new template (copy the current headlines template) and use it for the review headlines
and in both templates replace [full-link] or whatever you're using with [link] and make the link to the pages you need (ex link to{news-id} or something)
gonna try out no.1
i figured no.2 this morning.
well, from a little help from this forum of course
mysql support
i think mysql db is best way to store datas on web. with more security. some one can download your datas on the text file by using a web-site-download program . (like backstreet downloader) user just have to write cutenews directory,than all of datas on his computer . but anyone can't download sql file from mysql database
mysql is hardly the best way. pgsql is far superiour
private message system
lol i know cutenews is just a news/blog entryies system but users want to send private messages between them . i think communication is important . isn't it ?
Far outside the scope of cutenews ;-)
News Votes Section
i think it should be easy to do . voting system should be like this : system have to got two buttons to wote . "bad" and "good" sections.and votes can be store in a file. so what can we do with this sections ? we will create a button to call news what are them get "good" points . it will be a good idea, so we can read old and good news easly.
Please elaborate...
advanced members page
i wrote it before in other forums. can a standart member change about somethings for himself? i think it is a good idea . for example i will write my favourite books for this mount in my info than guests can see this in my info . isn't it good ?
it is okey for now i think. i got lots of ideas,but i haven't got php knowledge to make this ideas on scripts![]()
Fine and dandy, but what does this have to do with newsposting?
I too would like an advanced members page, sorta like a profile page, that way people will know who's the one posting the news. It could contain a list of all articles the person wrote. A paragraph or 2 about the person. Links to favorite websites. MSN, AIM, ICQ etc.
I really want that
And where and how would you display this info? Cutenews isn't wordpress. Cutenews doesn't control your site so you can pop up all sorts of info everywhere...
firebane I think you have to do such a thing yourself a bit, if you want particular things like this. I couldn't code php three months ago and now i made all sorts of addons, just watch the existing code, use and try out some stuff, you can use easyphp (or phptriad?) for locally checking it, goes faster than ftp-ing everything all the time.
You can search on google for php tutorial or php manual, it really isn't that hard to adjust a couple things, you'll get better with time.
i donnow about news votes but i made comment votes in cuteslash.
some kind of feature where you can have Search engine friendly (Professional Looking) urls using Mod_Rewrite
I think this would attrach alot more SEO webmasters to the cutenew community
olivier: I know php, I'd just like that feature so it would easily mix in with cutenews. Also b/c I'm lazy and I don't wanna do it myself
yeah if you want to code something in cutenews you really have to go for it, sit down for it. The proggie I'm working on cuteslash has user journals, anybody has a diary. Also anybody can be another's friend or foe openly. Likely I'll also add a list of the comments they've made. The newsitems they've written, that's only for the journalists, so that's not worth the general space, you can check who wrote newsitems in "edit news". I could also make a selection for ordering the archives (in cuteslash all newsitems go into the archives automatically after two months) on category or writer. But for the rest I'm not planning a lot of user info, things like private messages and msn w/e phpbb can be used for, I don't want it in cuteslash.
ad add news or edit news i need the following thing
start time, end time
so i can write articles in advance and publish it when i want to. and disable it when i want to.
i tried to find something about in this forum for more than 2 hours. maybe i haven't seen a post.
please help me!
CutePHP Forums → Script Feedback and Suggestion → Wishes for future versions of CuteNews
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