(6 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Well, tested both IE and Chrome, same problem, my Javascript is fully working and is enabled and I also tried another template with the same result. I´ve even tried to reinstall Cutenews but I get the same problem. :S

Can you make me a test login so I can see if it's working from my computer? If so, it must be something your end.


(18 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Maybe I could not explain very well the issue! Now date fields show dates about a previously research and they can't modify for a new research...

It works fine here. I've just changed the date to 14/11/2012, got 0 results, then changed the date to 14/11/2008, and got a list of results. The default dates are not a previous date, but they change to whatever the date is.


(18 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

I want to show blank date fields. Now it isn't so, look  http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/indexb.php?do=search

Why show blank dates? It is currently dynamic and changes to the current day and goes back 4 years. Why would you want to change it to make it more difficult for users?


(18 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

and about the date fields?

What do you want the date fields to show?

I haven't tried, but for Facebook shares, i'd suggest using the following:

<meta property="og:title" content="" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />       
<meta property="og:image" content="" />      
<meta property="og:description" content="" />      
<meta property="og:url" content="" />


(18 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

If you mean you just want a blank search field

Remove {$title}:

<input type=text value="" name=title size="24">


(17 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

It's very frustrating if you see that this plugin issue is announced so big, but when we ask questions about it, no one will answer.

I agree 100%

Is there anything anywhere that says how you can create plugins? Or are we just supposed to guess!?

Is there a way to display search results using a template and only show x categories?


(17 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Also i've just hacked mine to use different image folders on the server. But no idea how to make them in to plugins!


(17 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Anyone? I'm also curious about the plugins. What can we expect?

Well I don't know how to save it as a plugin, but i've created a featured image plugin, almost!


(6 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Right, i've managed to get it to work so that on my xfield for featured image there is a Choose Image button that opens the images up and inserts the code perfectly, but i've got an issue.

On the add news page, it shows up like this:

#      More fields...

Image         {if $xfields.0=image} Choose Image

Despite the code being like this:

    {if $xfields.0=image}
    [url=#]Choose Image[/url]

Any ideas?


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Found it. skins/base_skin/addnews for anyone else who has trouble.

Anyone know how? Doesn't seem to be in the addnews file  https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif


(6 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

In the version 1.5 there is a possibility to write the plug-in and also add your own field through Additional fields or use the field Avatar (it works also for the version 1.4.7).

I have added the field. How would I go about creating a plugin to add a button to browse images?


(6 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Anyone? Would have thought this would be a fairly simple mod for some of the clever people on here!

Hm, I recommend sticking with your CuteNews installation if your whole site is relying on this. I'd love to help but I'm afraid the amount of free time I have doesn't really allow for bigger code changes, and I doubt anyone else who is currently active will help you (either lack of knowledge or of interest).

It's for a new site, but to be honest, it wasn't that big a change at the time. From request to implementation was just a few hours. If only the old posts weren't missing!

It was a year or so ago and my posts have no vanished regarding it, so I can't even go over how we achieved it. Basically what we did, from memory, was duplicated Add News and Edit news and made a few adjustments to them. I then made a link in the admin panel that linked to Add/Edit Site and then there was a single text area that had the content from the page. The relevant page ID, would then show up by including "show_site.php" and the related number for the required page content.

I still have an "add_site.php" file if you want to take a look?

It basically made cutenews so much more than a news site, as it handled pages in the way wordpress does too.


(6 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Would it be possible to create a field (not using the available option, but by coding it) and having a browse images button to the side of it to choose an image to use as the featured image for each article?

On the old version of cutenews FUN helped me set up a second "Add News" and "Edit News" page, called "Add Site" and "Edit Site" where I could add and edit page content throughout the website. Does anyone know if this is possible on the new version, and if so, how?

Searched for ages but couldn't see anything related.


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