Topic: Strange bug relating to tags in articles.
I've done a bit of searching and was unable to find anything relating to this specific issue but I've got a rather bizarre issue when it comes to the tags for my news. I run a games news/review website and as such I use tags in all my posts as you would expect. Anyway I've got a rather strange issue where if I click the first tag of the latest news article it will show the headlines and article for it just fine, however if I select any other tag on the page it'll only show headlines for the news with that tag but none of the actual article content itself.
I've taken a few screenshots to show the process:
First up the homepage itself showing my sites layout, at the top I have the last 6 headlines and below that the last 6 news articles posted. As you can see the latest one is regarding the release of a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2 HD, it has the tags Kingdom Hearts and Square Enix.
So I click the Kingdom Hearts Tag and the following pops up … rtstag.jpg
So at the top we have all the headlines for articles using the Kingdom Hearts tag, and below all the articles using that tag. Makes sense and works as it should.
However if I click the Square Enix tag this happens.
As you can see it shows the headlines for three articles all containing the Square Enix tag, however where the articles should be there is no content. It happens for any other tag I click, shows the headlines but none of the actual content itself. Anyone came across this or at the very least has an idea of how to fix it?