Topic: My news are suddenly gone..
I'm a newbie on this forum so please forgive me if I'm posting anything wrong. But I'm literally in shock that my news all disappeared that I really need to find a solution somehow.
I'll explain:
I wanted to add a news this morning and it was all like usual. When I wanted to have a look at my website to see if the news appeared correctly it took a bit more time than usual to load. But after a little while my news appeared and I thought it was all good. But sadly nothing was good. Because the news I just added were suddenly the only news in my whole cutenews account..
I didn't have a backup before neither did I post my news somewhere else so I could simply add them now again.. They are all gone and I can't explain what happended...
I'm using the 1.5.3. version of cutenews. This is my website if this is needed:
Is someone able to tell me how I can get my news back?
Thanks so much in advance!!