Topic: My news are suddenly gone..


I'm a newbie on this forum so please forgive me if I'm posting anything wrong. But I'm literally in shock that my news all disappeared that I really need to find a solution somehow.

I'll explain:

I wanted to add a news this morning and it was all like usual. When I wanted to have a look at my website to see if the news appeared correctly it took a bit more time than usual to load. But after a little while my news appeared and I thought it was all good. But sadly nothing was good. Because the news I just added were suddenly the only news in my whole cutenews account..

I didn't have a backup before neither did I post my news somewhere else so I could simply add them now again.. They are all gone and I can't explain what happended...

I'm using the 1.5.3. version of cutenews. This is my website if this is needed:

Is someone able to tell me how I can get my news back?

Thanks so much in advance!!

Re: My news are suddenly gone..


I'm a newbie on this forum so please forgive me if I'm posting anything wrong. But I'm literally in shock that my news all disappeared that I really need to find a solution somehow.

I'll explain:

I wanted to add a news this morning and it was all like usual. When I wanted to have a look at my website to see if the news appeared correctly it took a bit more time than usual to load. But after a little while my news appeared and I thought it was all good. But sadly nothing was good. Because the news I just added were suddenly the only news in my whole cutenews account..

I didn't have a backup before neither did I post my news somewhere else so I could simply add them now again.. They are all gone and I can't explain what happended...

I'm using the 1.5.3. version of cutenews. This is my website if this is needed:

Is someone able to tell me how I can get my news back?

Thanks so much in advance!!

Is the option to archive news checked in your settings?

Re: My news are suddenly gone..

Is the option to archive news checked in your settings?

No, I don't have any news in the archive. The weird thing is that when I check my personal data it still says that there are 53 written news. But where?

Could it be that I have to download the newest version of cutenews? Or run the update file? Could it be that the news are still in the news.txt? I wouldn't mind if I had to add them one by one again as long as they are somehow..


Re: My news are suddenly gone..

Make a backup of your file by downloading it from your server. You can then look at it to see if the news items are still there. If they are then next check that they are posted to categories. If they are not there then there is now way of recovering them unless you have a backup. Look in the cdata.archives directory for any .news.arch files