Topic: Journalists can file unapproved news
I have successfully adapted the hack
to work with versions 1.5*
Note that earlier published versions of this hack such as;hl=journalist
do not work in 1.5*
In Inc/options.php find:
// General
echo "<tr style='' id=general><td colspan=10 width=100%><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>";
Add after:
showRow(lang("Approve Journalist"), lang("if not, Journalists can post without approval"), makeDropDown(array("yes"=>"Yes","no"=>"No"), "save_con[use_approve]", "$config_use_approve"));
In inc/addnews.php find:
if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] > 2)
Change to:
if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] > 3)
if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_JOURNALIST or $postpone_draft == "draft")
// if the user is Journalist, add the article as unapproved
$decide_news_file = SERVDIR."/cdata/unapproved_news.txt";
$added_time = time() + $config_date_adjust*60;
$postpone = false;
$unapproved_status_msg = lang("The article was marked as Unapproved!");
Change to:
if ((($member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_JOURNALIST) and $config_use_approve == "yes") or $postpone_draft == "draft")
//modified- if the user is Journalist, and approval is on, add the article as unapproved
$decide_news_file = SERVDIR."/cdata/unapproved_news.txt";
$added_time = time() + $config_date_adjust*60;
$postpone = false;
$unapproved_status_msg = lang("The article was marked as Unapproved!");
Important: DO NOT edit options.php in Dreamweaver or other similar html/php programs as this will cause the options panel to malfunction. Only edit in notepad.
This works fine and adds an option in System Configurations/General for Admin to permit journalists to file upapproved news.
However, it applies to ALL journalists - if enabled or not, then all journalists can either file or are unable to file unapproved news.
Is it possible to further modify this to be able to apply the setting to individual journalists, perhaps by adding a further option to Admin in the Add/Edit Users section of the admin panel?