Just wanted to help out. The original manual already consist of step 1-5, the main idea of this is to teach people how to upgrade CuteNews via Github which are from step 6-10.

CuteNews 2.0 has been getting updated every once and then to fix major and minor bugs. The current stable version at the front page of CuteNews has a lot of bugs and errors that will prevent you from having a near perfect news system. Therefore, every new users who will like to use CuteNews 2.0 should update their CuteNews 2.0 with the latest GitHub version. Below is a detailed instructions on how to install and update your CuteNews 2.0.

Installing CuteNews 2.0

1. Download CuteNews 2.0 at https://cutephp.com/.
2. Unzip the file and you should have a CuteNews folder at your desktop.
3. Upload the entire CuteNews folder into your public_html.
4. Set up your CuteNews 2.0 by going to http://www.yourwebsitename.com/yourcutenew...rname/index.php. Follow the instructions in the page.
5. Done, your CuteNews 2.0 has been set up.

Now, in order to update your CuteNews 2.0 to the latest version, you will need to download the file from Github.

Updating CuteNews 2.0 to latest version

6. Go to https://github.com/CuteNews/cutenews-2.0 and download the ZIP file.
7. Unzip the file and you will have another CuteNews folder at your desktop.
8. Upload the entire folder into your existing CuteNews folder. Replace every single thing.
9. IMPORTANT: Once you are done uploading, go to http://www.yourwebsitename.com/yourcutenew...ate_indexes.php.
(Information about this can be found here: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44045)
10. After you have went to the migration page, you can now go back to your FTP or cPanel and delete migration_update_indexes.php from your CuteNews.

Take note that every update that you do in Github will require you to run step 9 and 10. Or else, your news will not be migrated over.

Updated the list.

I'm having the same problem with the pagination by categories, but I have cutenews 2.0 and all solutions are for previous versions. Someone can help me?

I went to create a page that contains only an individual category news and it seems to work fine. I am using CuteNews 2.0.

Can you post your PHP code here for me to see?

Worked like a charm. Thanks alot Support_Team for adding this feature! https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

After checking again, the date of the comments remain the same. The only problem is the minutes and the seconds where it changes according to your computer clock.

Hello SUpport_Team,

Thanks for the response. My current setup for time format in comments is "j M Y, h:i a" and it is now showing the date, year, hours and minutes. The problem now is that the hours and the minutes of the comments changes according to your computer clock. Below is an example,

Person A posted on 7 Feb 2014, 3.14 PM (Computer time now is 3.14 PM).
Example 1

1 minute later,

Person A posted on 7 Feb 2014, 3.15 PM (Computer time now is 3.15 PM).
Example 1

I believe this bug also appear for the date, meaning the date will appear as what it is according to your computer clock. (Will update again on this).

May I come in to ask you how do you get your archives working properly if you are using CuteNews 2.0? https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif Thanks


Does anyone know how to make the hyperlink URL for [full-link]{comments-num}[/full-link] jump straight to the comment part of the news? At the moment, clicking it will simply just direct you to the top of the news page.



I have tried to replicate the justifying text and the hyperlink insert.

At my side, the justify seems to work fine. There wasn't any lost of story text anywhere. Did you upgrade to the latest GitHub version?

As for the insert hyperlink, I can confirmed that it isn't working in IE11 (it worked fine in Firefox).

I haven't tested the fb comments and twitter yet because I don't intend to use them for now, so can't confirm on these.

Well, I think I solved it after looking through the "active_news" file.

For anyone who are interested to know how to fix this,

Line 150 (Original)

$url = cn_rewrite('tag', $tag, $PSTF);

Change to

$url = cn_rewrite('tag', $tag);

Removing the $PSTF do the trick (although I have no idea what $PSTF is). Support_Team, is this the correct method to fix it? You may want to update it in GitHub for the rest.

Thanks! Cheers.

Hi Support_Team,

Just discovered something with the pagination of tagline. The "Previous" URL from page 2 back to page 1 of a particular tagline page will return a http://www.example.com/news/tag-hello/Array.html URL instead of http://www.example.com/news/tag-hello.html and in this page it shows no entries.

However, manually clicking on "1" URL of the pagination will bring to the correct page.

How do I fix the "Previous" URL? Thanks. https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

Any solution so far, anyone? https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


(10 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

A quick fix is to get the embedded code of the video from YouTube and then change the width and height to the one you want. Copy and paste the iFrame HTML code and put it in your news. Remember to tick "Enabled HTML" at the bottom before you add the news.

This is if you are using CuteNews 2.0.


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)


I am also hoping to know how to change the .html to .php instead. Thanks https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


There are currently some problems with the variable used in the templates for CuteNews 2.0.

In comments template, the {day}, {since}, {hours}, {minutes} and {year} isn't showing up.

Additionally, the {date} variable isn't working properly for comments as it shows the actual date based on your current computer system date. Furthermore, the {date} variable also has the time variable with it in it which I don't think should be the case since the {date} and the time should be separated. Hope you guys can look into this too.

How can I fix this? Thanks!

Thanks alot, it is working properly now. Appreciate it!

I don't have cdata/news/cat.idx

What is the problem?

I already migrate to cn 2.00


cdata/news/cat.idx will appear in your file manager (easily viewable if you are using cPanel or FTP) if you have uploaded CuteNews to your web host. I have this particular file inside my web host.

What Support_Team means is not for you to migrate from 1.53 to 2.0 again. Please check out the link he provided for you, he meant to tell you that if you are updating CuteNews via GitHub, you will need to use the news migration script to bring your old news over.


This is a compilation of current known issues discovered with the latest version of GitHub as of 16th Feb 2014. If you find any problems, do post it here and I will add it to the list.

Archives is not working as intended
There are currently two major problem with the archives function,

1. When you archives your news, the archived news will still appear at the active news even though you set the PHP rule to show active only news.
2. Once a news is archived, you are not able to view the archived news at all.

Original topic: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtop...mp;#entry158853

<strike>Tagline pagination not working
The tagline pagination is not working correctly at the moment. When there are only suppose to have 2 pages of news in a tagline page, the pagination creates additional unnecessary pages. For example, my tagline page suppose to have 2 pages only, but the pagination creates page 3 and page 4.

Original topic: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?s=&amp;...st&amp;p=158935</strike>

Problem had been resolved with the latest Github version.

Comments displaying the wrong time
The current comments are displaying the wrong time. The time of the comments are currently based on your system time.

Original topic: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44065

Search optimization
Note: The current Github version had already optimized the search by allowing the search to look into uppercase and lowercase lettering. This is added here because the search function still requires some adjustment and optimization to be perfect.

The search function will somehow display results of other news that does not contain the keyword. Read the topic in the link below for more information.

Original Topic: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44077

Comments Smiles not working properly
Refer to this article: https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44150


Thanks alot. Silly me I didn't know about this. Cheers! :3


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Which version of CuteNews you using? CuteNews 2 has a URL rewrite that is working at the moment.


        $template = "damask";
        $PHP_SELF = "Y";

Replace X with the number of news you want it to appear on the page.

Replace Y with the name of your page that your news will appear, for example if your news is in index.php, then replace Y with index.php.


Alternatively check that your include is correct, for my include pathing my URl looks something like this,


Hi Support_Team,

The latest GitHub version of CuteNews 2.0 has caused the pagination to disappear completely. Any idea how to fix this?


Edit: Anyone that updated the latest version (as of today) from GitHub having this problem too?

Did you login to your CuteNews client account in CuteNews?


Once you login, simply follow the steps to get your .reg file.


Just to confirm so the incompatibility issue with IE11 only appears when you edit the news using CKEditor?

Hopefully the Support_Team put this in their to fix list. There are still several major flaws going around in CN 2.0. One of them is the archives as it is totally not functioning properly.

But rest assured that this will eventually be fixed because recently the Support_Team had fixed the pagination which I had reported and now the pagination is working almost perfectly (less the tag pages pagination). https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif