(7 replies, posted in Script Feedback and Suggestion)

Hey, im an old user af cutenews, but i haven't been using it for a while, and i haft totaly forgotten how to make it possible to show latest comments just like you do with

$static = TRUE;
$template = "Headlines";
$number = "1";


Please help me https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

Please try using the following code:

$static = TRUE;
$template = "Headlines";
$number = 1;

Hola a todos, hoy he instalado el programa pero me he encontrado el siguiente problema:
Voy a  Opciones --> Integración Wizards --> Integrar noticias en su sitio.  Esto me lleva a una página que dice: Noticias de integración de Asistente
Ésta página, al final, tiene un diálogo que dice "proceder a la integración" y por más que le doy para integrar no me cambia de página, con lo que no me genera el código que necesito.
¿alguien me puede ayudar?
Estaré muy agradecida, saludos.

Dear User!

Firstly, we would like to ask you to write your requests in English. Secondly, please would you send us a link to your web site, as well as the information on the CuteNews version you have installed.

Many thanks for help, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I've tried with classes and stuff and nothing. Like a CSS file doesn't work at all.

Dear doles2,

You have in the code of the main page the following:

 <iframe width="575" height="518" name="main" src="news.php" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

To change the CSS customization on your page, you should output data from the iframe, by replacing it with the code:

<div style="width: 575px; height: 518px; overflow: auto;"><?php include ( 'path to your file 'show_news.php', as in 'news.php'); ?> </div>

This should resolve your problem. However, if you want us to provide you with working code, please send us news.php code, then we'll do our best to help you.


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

I can't check it. It's like off (?) Written in grey.


Dear User!

It seems that this option doesn't work in your browser. Please try opening this page in Opera, for example.


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

hi, anyone can help how to create dynamic pages? like about, services, tos, etc. thank you for your attention

Dear User!

CuteNews can be used for embedding the news, but not for creating Web pages. This is the reason we cannot help you resolve your issue.


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Guys, I click on enter to make a "line break" and everything is fine when I'm writing my post, so I publish it and everything's ok. But when I see the published post, it has no "line breaks". All the sentences goes continued hmm Ex:


01 02 03 04

What should I do? It's the latest version https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif
here's my website: http://avrilprestige.com

I activated the WYSIWYG Editor but it dosn't appear hmm
Hope you can help me D:

Please proceed to the Add news -> Article Options -> and check the Convert new lines to

Please try the following:

Replace the code

else{ $category = "1,2,3,4"; $number = "5";
include("./a/show_news.php"); }


if (!$_GET['category'] && $_GET['category'] != '1,2,3,4') $category = "1,2,3,4"; 
$number = "5";
include("./a/show_news.php"); }


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Hi there,

We're having some problems when adding the news: we have 2 categories, and one's working perfectly fine, but when we choose to add news selecting the other category the message "not allowed category" appears.

We've upgraded the CuteNews version and re-integrated the code on our homepage, but the error persists. We've also deleted the category and create it from scratch (with the same name) in vain, and now the news in that category aren't displayed on the site.

We've noticed the code CuteNews generates is different for each category, but we don't understand why. Could you please help us and tell us what to do?

PS: The message "Upload failed. Please ask the administrator to ensure the uploads directory is available" when we tried to attach some screen captures to this post, so if you need some code, let us know.

site: http://www.chrisrevans.com

Dear cevans06,

Many thanks for contacting us. Please first check your user's permissions in the CuteNews settings. This may help you resolve your problem.

Is it possible to reorder news? I made a few articles but want a new article to come before half of them.

Thanks for your help!

Dear User!

Please try opening the "news.txt" file and change the lines with news  according to your need.

Dear User!

Our programmers have recently considered your web site and weren't able to discover any problem with the multiple includes on your main web page. They also have considered your code and found out some minor bugs there and fixed them. Here is your code with some improvements.

The central area:


$include_id = "101"; //Inserisci un ID UNICO a tua scelta e diverso dagli altri INCLUDE

if (isset($_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) && $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) $srvicludeid = $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']; else $srvicludeid = false;
if ($srvicludeid != $include_id )
     $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID'] = $include_id;

/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Here we decide what page to include
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

if($_POST['do'] == "Cerca" or $_GET['dosearch'] == "yes"){ $subaction = "search"; $dosearch = "yes"; include("./a/search.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "archives"){ include("./a/show_archives.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "chisono"){ include("./chisono.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "plugin"){ include("./plugin.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "help"){ include("./help.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "comerss"){ include("./comerss.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "search"){ include("./a/search.php"); }
elseif($_GET['do'] == "stats"){ echo"You can download the stats addon and include it here to show how many news, comments ... you have"; /* include("$path/stats.php"); */ }
else{ $category = "1,2,3,4"; $number = "5";
include("./a/show_news.php"); }


The right part


$include_id = "102"; //Inserisci un ID UNICO a tua scelta e diverso dagli altri INCLUDE
if (isset($_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) && $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) $srvicludeid = $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']; else $srvicludeid = false;
if ($srvicludeid != $include_id )
     $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID'] = $include_id;

$PHP_SELF = "indexmb.php";

We've found out a bug in the following line:  $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] = "include_id=".$include_id;

The Main page code:

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1', true);

$ucat = (isset($_GET['ucat']))? $ucat : $category;
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$cutepath =  __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'show_news.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/show_news.php'", "", $cutepath);


// If we are showing RSS, include some need variables.
if($template == 'rss'){

// Check if we are included by PATH
elseif(strpos($PHP_SELF, 'show_news.php') !== false){
die("<h4>CuteNews has detected that you are including show_news.php using the URL to this file.

This is incorrect and you must include it using the PATH to show_news.php</h4>

this is <font color=red>WRONG</font> :   <?PHP include("http://yoursite.com/cutenews/show_news.php"); ?>

this is <font color=green>CORRECT</font>:   <?PHP include("cutenews/show_news.php"); ?>

// <font size=2>if you think this message shouldn't be shown, open show_news.php and delete it from there</font>");
// End of the check

if(!isset($subaction) or $subaction == ""){ $subaction = $POST["subaction"]; }

if(!isset($template) or $template == "" or strtolower($template) == "default"){ require_once("$cutepath/data/Default.tpl"); }
        if(file_exists("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl")){ require("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl"); }
    else{ die("Error!
the template [b]".htmlspecialchars($template)."[/b] does not exists, note that templates are case sensetive and you must write the name exactly as it is"); }

// Prepare requested categories
if(preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $category)){
CuteNews has detected that you use $category = "".htmlspecialchars($category).""; but you can call the categories only with their [b]ID[/b] numbers and not with names

$category = "1";
$category = preg_replace("/ /", "", $category);
$tmp_cats_arr = explode(",", $category);
foreach($tmp_cats_arr as $key=>$value){
    if (!empty($value)){ $requested_cats[$value] = TRUE; }

if($archive == ""){
        $news_file = "$cutepath/data/news.txt";
        $comm_file = "$cutepath/data/comments.txt";
        $news_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$archive.news.arch";
        $comm_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$archive.comments.arch";

$allow_add_comment                        = FALSE;
$allow_full_story                        = FALSE;
$allow_active_news                         = FALSE;
$allow_comments                         = FALSE;

$is_in_category = FALSE;
if (strstr($ucat,',')) { // if the article is in multiple categories.
  $article_cat_arr = explode(',', $ucat);
  foreach($article_cat_arr as $one_cat) {
    if ($requested_cats and $requested_cats[$one_cat] == TRUE){$is_in_category = TRUE;}
else {
  if ($requested_cats and $requested_cats[$ucat] == TRUE){$is_in_category = TRUE;}

//<<<------------ Detarime what user want to do
if( $CN_HALT != TRUE and $static != TRUE and ($subaction == "showcomments" or $subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "addcomment") and ((!isset($category) or $category == "") or ($is_in_category == TRUE )  ) ){
    if($subaction == "addcomment"){  $allow_add_comment        = TRUE; $allow_comments = TRUE; }
    if($subaction == "showcomments"){ $allow_comments = TRUE; }
    if(($subaction == "showcomments" or $allow_comments == TRUE) and $config_show_full_with_comments == "yes"){$allow_full_story = TRUE; }
    if($subaction == "showfull") $allow_full_story = TRUE;
    if($subaction == "showfull" and $config_show_comments_with_full == "yes") $allow_comments = TRUE;
    if($config_reverse_active == "yes"){ $reverse = TRUE; }
        $allow_active_news = TRUE;
//----------->>> Detarime what user want to do

if($_GET['archive'] and $_GET['archive'] != ''){ $archive = $_GET['archive']; } // stupid fix ?
unset($static, $template, $requested_cats, $category, $catid, $cat,$reverse, $in_use, $archives_arr, $number, $no_prev, $no_next, $i, $showed, $prev, $used_archives, $user);

// Save prev. results for next use
if (isset($_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) && $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']) $srvicludeid = $_SERVER['CUTE_INCLUDEID']; else $srvicludeid = false;
if ($srvicludeid != $include_id )
        if ( isset($_GET['start_from']) ) $start_from = $_GET['start_from'];
        elseif( isset($_POST['start_from']) ) $start_from = $_POST['start_from'];

        if( isset($_GET['subaction']) ) $subaction = $_GET['subaction'];
         elseif( isset($_POST['subaction']) ) $subaction = $_POST['subaction'];

}?><!-- News Powered by CuteNews: [url="https://cutephp.com/"]https://cutephp.com/[/url] -->

Please do not hesitate to contact us again in case you need our further assistance or any other help.

Best regards,

CuteNews Support Team

Dear User!

Please try replacing your code to this one:

<div style="width:420px; margin-bottom:30px;">
        <div style="color:#FFFFFF;"><strong>{title}</strong></div>
        <div style="text-align:justify; padding:3px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:5px; border-top:1px solid #D3D3D3; color:#FFFFFF;">{short-story}</div>
        <div style="float: right; color:#FFFFFF;" class="anlink">[full-link]Read more [/full-link] [com-link]{comments-num} Comments[/com-link]</div>
        <div class="email" style="color:#FFFFFF;"><em class="anlink">Posted on {date} by {author}</em></div>

Please try pasting the following code to the end of your CSS file:

.anlink a { color: #FFFFFF; }
.anlink a:visited { color: #C4BFBF; }
.anlink a:hover  { color: #FFFAFF; }
.anlink a:active { color: #696767; }

Dear User!

1. Is it possible to create Custom Fields, like there is "avatar" function for each post?

2. On the site I want to make a submit form. I mean, there will be kinda form where user will write title & little description and will submit it. Then I'll see it in Admin Panel and will approve it. Is there any methods to make it?

These would be good features for our next releases. They have already been taken into consideration by our programmers. Thank you!

I followed the readme and the Dummy's Guide in installing Cutenews, CHMODed everything to 777, and then 755 when that didn't work. But when I go to my website URL (on fc2.com) it still says I don't have permission to access the page (no where for me to enter a log in username or password).

Please set 755 for the directory, and 666 - for files. As for the "data" directory and subdirectory, to set 777 is better.

What's more, you should check under which user Apache is running, If you belong to a group of trusted, then set 775 for directory, and  664 for files.


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear friends,

Since all the Facebook comments are separated to the many comment boxes on the website (according to the unique link for every news story), is there any possibility to combine all those comments in the common stream? To be placed, for example, on the front page as "Latest comments" feed, like we did it with Cutenews comments before...? I didn't find such opportunity in the Facebook documentation, but I've heard that WordPress, for example, already has such hack... Could you please advice something?

I don't want to replace the "Latest comments" Cutenews feed with the "Activity" plugin by Facebook, because it shows only the friends activity to the user who's logged in, and some random info about how many people liked such or such article... I really want all the comments left on the website merged to the stream, again...  https://cutephp.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif

Thank you very much, in advance!

Dear User!

Many thanks for your suggestion. This feature has been added to the list of our updates in the next release.

no solution????

Dear User!

Please would you send us the code of your main page,  or a part of code your try modifying by using this hack? This would clarify the problem for us.

Dear User!

Please try adding the "åäö" symbols, not the replacing functions directly to the title.

I've tried using both versions of this hack https://cutephp.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=31744 for 1.4.6 - and currently trying to use Ifa's. However, both versions keep coming up with the samee problems:

- The htaccess file is generated but does not contain any rewrite rules or conditions from the script. I tried to add them manually:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^postpage/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?start_from=$1$2 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^comments/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?subaction=showcomments&url=$1$2 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^commentspage/(.+)/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?comm_start_from=$1&subaction=showcomments&url=$2$3 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^archiveindex/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?archive=$1&subaction=list-archive$2 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^archive/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?subaction=showfull&url=$1$2 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^archivepage/(.+)/(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?start_from=$2&archive=$1&subaction=list-archive$3 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+).html(.*)$ review-anime.php?subaction=showfull&url=$1$2 [NC,QSA,L]

- The links are changed from :



/post/Anime Reviews/black-rock-shooter-1332832005.html

But when I try to click to read the full story, I am redirected to a 404 missing page. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Dear User!

Please would you send us a Full Story link where you've faced 404 error?

anybody could help me, please?

Dear User!

Please would you consider this link http://www.pasqualemarinelli.com/index.php...n=showheadlines and confirm whether the page looks in accordance to your request, or not?
Do you see here all the topics and links in order you wanted?

How can I make it, so Cutenews replaces a word in my posts to another word? For example if im writing "Hi" in my blogpost, i want it to be replaced with "Hello"?

Dear User!

Please try in
functin replace_news(....)

to make compliance with the replacement of words in the array $find

to the

$replace, for example, add to $find "Hi", and to $replace "Hello"

/* 16 */                "'\[list\]'i",
/* 17 */                "'\[/list\]'i",
/* 18 */                "'\[\*\]'i",

        "~Hi~i", // Here  ~ and i are required


/* 18 */                                "<li>",


I tried this. And it works. But there are problems with multiple include of my news. Once I used the hack for multiple category and the Supprot Team's suggestion adding $category = isset($_GET['category'])? $_GET['category'] : false; in show_news.php file, on my include page, my posts are shown wrongly... what can I do?

Dear User!

Unfortunately, our programmers weren't able to reproduce your problem. Please would you provide us some more details about that? Maybe, any screenshots would be very helpful to clarify your issues.

I'm using the Disqus comment system on www.nhlkollen.se
And today I hit into a problem.

If I go into a blogpost from index.php, it works:

But if I go first to the category "Skador" then to the post, there nothing there:

Same post, but no comments on the one where I went first to the category "Skador".
I assume that it's the .php site that makes this happend. Disqus will not recognize the post as same because of the changing from index.php to skador.php.

I can I solve this? Any ideas?

Dear User!

Please would you specify how your problem is related to our project? What CuteNews version do you have?

When trying to upload an image ... we now suddenly started getting this error message.

Not able to upload image.
Make sure that file upload is enabled or contact your server administrator

Any thoughts on this ... server admin has no clue.

Dear User!

Please would you specify your request?

Please provide a link to your web site and add any screenshots clarifying your issues.

my version is 1.4.6. There's no error message. Full story doesn't appear.

Dear User!

Please try using the line   

$category = isset($_GET['category'])? $_GET['category'] : false;


$ucat = (!isset($_GET['ucat']))? $category : $ucat;


I've got some problems since I put up my website on my webhost. It worked fine on my localhost.
I only changed the comment system in default.php so you comment with your website login name(worked fine on localhost)

It works to login on cutenews, but wherever I click I automatically logout and return to the login screen.

If this is about CHMOD~ 777, I couldnt chmod every file/folder. (I couldnt access cutenews at all if I did) so I only chmod comments.txt etc and the other neccessary txt/php files.

[22-Mar-2012 17:38:53 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php:2) in /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php on line 91
[22-Mar-2012 17:38:53 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php:2) in /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php on line 97
[22-Mar-2012 17:38:53 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php:2) in /home/epicbook/public_html/beta/news/index.php on line 98

Line 91,97,98 in order:

setcookie("lastusername", $username, time()+1012324305);
setcookie("username", $username);
setcookie("md5_password", $cmd5_password);

All help is appreciated,

Dear User!

Please make sure that the following files

./skins/default.skin.php (every skin file)

don't begin from the BOM-maker, but from  <?php and end with ?> without any spaces. This could be the problem.


(27 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

hey guys pls help? T_T
i'd like to know how to fix this one:

CuteNews did not added your comment because there is some problem with the comments database.

you see whenever i add a comment on my post it appears instead
i have this spam protection before from funimation w/ a random bot word
but i have updated from 1.4.6 to 1.4.7
and i got this error too:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_brldfe4t17cv3d2lo6cplgep54, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

gee, can this be fixed?

Dear User!

Please would you specify the following:

1) What rights have you got on the file  <CUTEPHP PATH>/data/comments.txt ?
2) What plug-in (hack) do you use, and whether is it switched on, or off?

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