(25 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

What kind of comments did you mean? Facebook ot cutenews? If Facebook so give the code of the widget is used?

Our site officially supports only English.


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

There is information here.
You should give proper settings for  date_default_timezone_set

If you have any problems with your password, follow the instructions:

1. For restoring your password use register.php?action=lostpass, the link is situated near the field 'password'.
Enter your login and email.
2.Approach to the server via FTP then find the folder data, open the file users.db.php for changing. After the line <?PHP die("You don't have access to open this file !!!"); ?> write the following:

Log in and enter the following:
login: admin_recovery_username
     password: 123456

After it enter  Options -> Add/Edit Users and reset your password and then delete the user admin_recovery_username.

3. If you don't have an access via FTP, connect your hosting provider  asking for restoring the password.

Dear User!

Padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px; denotes a shift by the following rules: 4px - a shift from the top, 8px - from the right, 4px - from the bottom, 8px - from the left. To get more information about CSS W3C standards please consider the following link:

http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_padding.asp и http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp

Dear User!

Please try using <div style="padding: 4px 8px 4px 8px;">{avatar}{short-story}</div> instead of {avatar}{short-story} in the "Part 3"

The  padding you should set by yourself. However, please use your CSS и HTML knowledges  for the CuteNews html pattern customization.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Please would you specify the purpose of changing the "news.php" file and using the "PHP_SELF и QUERY_STRING" in the code?

Dear User!

Please try creating a new pattern for active news in Options -> Edit Templates or try changing an existent one.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Please would you describe your query in more detailed way?


(5 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Following your link http://allencarswell.com/ we weren't able to access any web page.


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Write Unicode HTML tag instead of a symbol.

It would be better to prepare the text by using a Unicode converter, as, for example, this one:

http://www.numberconverter.net/get-compute...nicode-to-text/ (Text -- Unicode for HTML, Decimal)

In addition, please do not forget to turn on the HTML tags saving option.

Dear User,
Unfortunately, such functionality is not supported by CuteNews 1.4.7. One of the ways to solve this problem can consist in the using IFRAME for each category. This problem will be fully solved only in future versions.

Dear User,
Thank you for your remark.
Unfortunately, this functionality is not supported by CuteNews 1.4.7, but we are going to include it in future versions.

Thank you for your reply, Xorlev.

You are absolutely right in that the given script can be vulnerable. The thing is that we didn't want to change the logic of the user script, aiming to keep it understandable. There is no room for doubt that all the users need to use verification of each incoming parameter; for instance, in this case it would be better to do this way:

$x = $HTTP_GET_VARS['x'];
if (empty($x)) {
$x = "home";

$allow = array('home', 'about', 'more', ... );
if ( !in_array($x, $allow) ) die("You cannot execute this page");

To improve security, we also advise that you use suhosin


(7 replies, posted in Script Feedback and Suggestion)

Unfortunately, you can't display recent comments in CuteNews 1.4.7 as the fix only involved the display of the order of lines so that the script offered by a user could work.

Dear User!

Our programmers have created a script  which you should insert after the code in inc/shows.inc.php:


        $all_news = file("$news_file");
    if($reverse == TRUE){ $all_news = array_reverse($all_news); }

the scipt code:

    // Search last comments
    if ( !empty($sortbylast) )
        $garnews = array();
        foreach ($all_news as $nl) { list ($id) = explode('|', $nl, 2); $garnews[$id] = $nl; }
        $all_news = array();

        $all_comments = file($comm_file);
        $all_comments = preg_replace('~^(\d+)\|>\|((\d+)\|.*?\|.*?\|.*?\|.*?\|.*?\|)*~im', '\\3.\\1', $all_comments);
        foreach ($all_comments as $pm) if ( $nl = rtrim($garnews[ (int)(substr($pm, strpos($pm, '.') + 1)) ]) ) $all_news[] = $nl;

Before to turn on show_news.php please set the parameter $sortbylast = 1

Can you help me please?

Following the link to your web site we weren't able to find out your problem.
What version of CuteNews do you use?


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Thank you for contacting us.  Please consider this link:  http://amjos.com/cutemod/

Dear User!

Please insert after the lines

$htaccess = "RewriteEngine On\n";
$htaccess .= "RewriteBase ".$path."\n\n";

the following code:

$htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^subaction=showfull&id=(.*)$ ".$script_file."?subaction=showfull&url=$1 [L,NC]\n";


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear User!

Please try using the "multiply includes":

To include the blocks from the down of the page (red) please use the following code:


 <?php $category = "3"; $number = 1; $static = true; $template = '<pattern1>'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>
        <?php $category = "4"; $number = 1; $static = true; $template = '<pattern1>'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>
        <?php $category = "8"; $number = 1; $static = true; $template = '<pattern1>'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>

For blue blocks:


<?php $category = "2"; $number = 4; $static = true; $template = '<pattern2>'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>

Main block:


<?php $number = "КОЛИЧЕСТВО НОВОСТЕЙ"; $template = '<pattern3>'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>

Right on the top (Recent Posts):


<?php $number = 8; $static = true; $template = 'Headlines (or your own <pattern4>)'; include ('show_news.php'); ?>

Dear User!

Please try the following code:

// Velox Letum ©2005
// http://www.nanoshock.net
// elementation@gmail.com

$x = $HTTP_GET_VARS['x'];

if (empty($x)) {
$x = "home";

if ($x == "index") {
die("You cannot execute this page");

if( file_exists($x . ".php") === TRUE) {
} else {
$number = 5;

You should use the "x" parameter instead of id.

Please also check where the file "show_news.php" is placed on your server. In case you face "not found `show_news.php`" , you should specify the correct path to this script.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can be of any further help.


(25 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear all,

The latest CuteNews version supports facebook comments. Please insert the following code into your page:

<script>(function(d, s, id) {
          var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
          if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
          js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
          js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=<ВАШ_APPID>";
          fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
        }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

The following code can be inserted after your news:

 <div class="fb-comments" data-href="<URL news page>" data-num-posts="5" data-width="595"></div>

Dear User!

Thank you for contacting us and reporting on this issue. You should try using the several types of scripts. In the block where you want to see the full news in a file "index.php" mysite.com/about/faq/index.php please use the following code:

 <?php if (!empty($_GET['subaction']) && $_GET['subaction'] == 'showfull') { $template = "Default"; include ('.....path/to/show_news.php'); } ?>

This block must be on the every page with the news got from id of the Headlines pattern.
The meaning of the problem is that the pattern Headlines tries to access itself to expand over the news, but it can not because this pattern includes no information on the full page, so you have to use the above mentioned code on any page.
This is due to some incomplete template features in the CuteNews 1.4.7.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

hi to all..
i have recently used cutenews 1.4.7 in  my school site. the problem is that when i write in arabic it is stored in some thing deferent characters. and when i try to show then it is displayed not in arabic. i tried to open news.txt directly and found no arabic text.Replaced it directly and uploaded then flie, Dosplayed in arabic...
So the problem seems it is in storing process... How to solve this???? help please

Dear User!

Our CuteNews 1.4.7 doesn't support Unicode. Please try converting your content by using the following service:


When you add such kind of codes to your web site, please launch the RTE editor and select the "Use HTML in this article" in the Article Options.

Dear User!

You wrote:

 "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/afpd/public_html/news/inc/functions.inc.php on line 405"

Please would you provide us with the code around the line 405 in the file "/home/afpd/public_html/news/inc/functions.inc.php"?