In order to broadcast Cutenews, you need to go to index.php? Mod = main & opt = locale section of Localization, enter the necessary phrase and translate it.

For example, the phrase "Localization" and its translation.

In order to broadcast Cutenews, you need to go to index.php? Mod = main & opt = locale section of Localization, enter the necessary phrase and translate it.

For example, the phrase "Localization" and its translation.


(3 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Whether autoarchy is used on the site, perhaps it could be because of the caching in the Cutephp engine.



(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

It is necessary to check the paths that are used when loading - if they are relative, then you need to fix them to absolute ones, for example /strona/cutenews.css

To transfer the news you should transfer the file cdata.

Dear User,

Firstly, the comments can be moderated only by a moderator. You should have an account as a moderator and log in.

Please send screenshots of the form.

Another problem is that settings are lost in 'Permission'. Please check /index.php?mod=main&opt=group permissions to delete and edit comments.

Dear User!

Thanks you for your post. I should ask you one question: if the post date changes after saving? I mean 'publish date'.

Kind regards,
Support team.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear Maroon Caludin,

Kindly specify when you include news, do you use "include 'news.php'" construction, sorting parameters?

Usually, news in archives are sorted in blocks - the latest added archives are placed higher. Sorting by data should help:

$sortby = 'date'; $dir = 'desc';


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear Sir,

Please try to disable the news cache. To do this turn it on in the init.php file:


Dear Mara,

1. There is no public adress for CuteNews. There only exists a root that is not accessible by users. This root is where you have installed CuteNews.
   The website is to be made on your own with the help of prepared special php-code pieces (i.e. "includes"). To do this go to the Dashboard and click on the Integration Wizard icon, then set the required display parameters. The resulting code can be included in any php-file where it is needed. When this php-file is accessed, you will be provided with a listing of news according to the set settings.

   1.1 mysite/CuteNews/example.php is only for testing purposes. It can be taken as a basis and changed to work with your project.
   1.2 You should set the URL for your site to be able to visit it: Dashboad > System configurations > URL to your site
   1.3 Usually, auhorization is performed separately and is only needed for commenting the news.

2. Localization in CuteNews is based on phrase translation via Dashboard > Localization, there is no unified table of phrases.
3. CSS for CuteNews Dashboard can be found in skins/default.css and rss_style.css, as well as in or files.
  You can create CSS for your site yourself in any folder.

4. All plugins can be found in


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear furkanc,

Kindly indicate where exactly CKeditor is activated and which version of CuteNews you are using. An enabled CKeditor should be shown when you add or edit news.

Dear asajfar,

You can try clearing out the file contents, upload it via FTP once again, and inform your hosting provide of the corrections made.

Still, this file is only an information holding one and can't be dangerous. The hosting service provider must have had a false positive detection.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear A.S.,

This plugin is not compatible with Cutenews 2.0.4. It will not work, as the plugin architecture is different.


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear Simee,

Please try to disable caching. This is to be done in core/init.php.

The part where caching enabling is controlled should look like:

define('CACHE_DISABLE', true); // disable cache

Please contact us again via this topic if this doesn't help.


(8 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

gemifra wrote:

I think I found a solution but its not the good way to fix this bug.

core.php line 3849

I changed from
        elseif (preg_match('/\/([0-9a-z_\-\.]+)'.$post_fix.'/i', $cn_rewrite_url, $c))
        elseif (preg_match('/\/([0-9a-z_\-\.]+).php/i', $cn_rewrite_url, $c))

I dont know if the problem is related with ".php" in URL. Can you check it Support_Team?

Dear User,

The described behavior is not typical for rewriting. It can be supposed that you use a PHP file for rewriting, while the file doesn't exist on server. The .php extension should be removed from the links. The address URL should look like in the example below:


Dear Users,

This might be a problem of data caching. You can try changing the 'false' parameter to 'true' in init.php file:

define('CACHE_DISABLE', true); // disable cache

If the problem remains, please contact us again.


(4 replies, posted in Hacks & Tricks / FAQ)

Please use the script below to create a .php file.


include dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/init.php';

$user_name   = 'admin3';
$user_email = '';
$user_pass  = 'password';

// Prevent create new user
if (!db_user_by_name($user_name)) {
    db_user_add($user_name, ACL_LEVEL_ADMIN);

// Update credentials
db_user_update($user_name, "email=$user_email", 'pass='.SHA256_hash($user_pass));

echo "ADD [$user_name]";

You can name the file the way you like, this isn't important but it should have the .php extension. After naming the created file, insert it into the Сutenews root directory next to CN files (for example cn_api.php and the like). 

When everything mentioned above is done, set the following parameters:
$user_name, $user_email, $user_pass

Run the script from the website.

When the procedure described above is done, delete the script file and log in as you usually do with the new parameters you have set.

Please use the script below to create a .php file.


include dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/init.php';

$user_name   = 'admin3';
$user_email = '';
$user_pass  = 'password';

// Prevent create new user
if (!db_user_by_name($user_name)) {
    db_user_add($user_name, ACL_LEVEL_ADMIN);

// Update credentials
db_user_update($user_name, "email=$user_email", 'pass='.SHA256_hash($user_pass));

echo "ADD [$user_name]";

You can name the file the way you like, this isn't important but it should have the .php extension. After naming the created file, insert it into the Сutenews root directory next to CN files (for example cn_api.php and the like).  When everything mentioned above is done, set the following parameters:

$user_name, $user_email, $user_pass

Run the script from the website.

When the procedure described above is done, delete the script file and log in as you usually do with the new parameters you have set.

It seems that you are using an old version of Cutenews. If you have the data folder available, open it, you should find .txt files there. Try opening the  files in a simple text editor. This should solve your problem.

Dear Alunaria,

Our technicians have checked your problem. It seems that the problem is solved. Still, some minor alterations in code are needed. Please correct  line 654 in 'core/news.php' code: 'print.php' should be changed to 'popup.php'.


(1 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Dear pablok,

Please check the settings of the way to the layout file. The situation may be caused by wrong way set up.

Cold you kindly describe in detail what actions lead to the error?


(2 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Hello Maroon Caludin,

Please specify the following parameters before 'show_news.php'

$sortby = 'date';
$dir = 'desc';
include 'show_news.php';

The issue can be related with the archives that follow after active news. As long as the active news are still left in June and were not archived, they are viewed before the archives.

Hello Valdemart,

Please check the archives structures - are there news in the admin panel? Possibly there is a problem with the automatic archiving, or the problem is also might be with category picks.


(4 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Hello Wojtek77,

In this code the regular expression is used. It is compatible with php 5.3 and up. Please make sure your php version is suitable, or disable these blocks by turning them into /* ... */  or delete 298-322 lines in core.php

Hello eonflamewing,

Please type the code which is used to show the news and your CuteNews version. Please make sure that the template for comments is filled in.