You must set the writing permissions to folders and files. Examples can be found in many online instructions, for example, here … s-via-ftp/ tells how to set permissions for files via FTP. Rights to folders 775, to files 664

Try after login to go to / ~ myusername / - this should work

As one of the options, you can use the following option - edit category 4
Index.php? Mod = main & opt = category & category_id = 4 and the sixth remove


(3 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

No, while there is no such possibility - this is the difference between Cutenews and other CMS


(3 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

If the local server will work, then the problem is somewhere in the settings of the webserver. Just in case, you should check the access rights to all cdata files. For folders this should be right 775, for files 664

Here the problem is not in CKEDITOR, script is cut in the cutenews admin panel, and can not be saved because of the security problems that arise with it


(7 replies, posted in Hacks & Tricks / FAQ)

Unfortunately, this patch doesn't work anymore.

You must clear the dock in Dashboard> System configurations> Convert UTF8 symbols to HTML entities (E.g. å to & aring;)

Changed by a similar method

  <? If ($ entry) {echo '<title>'. $ Entry ['t']. '- My Site </ title>'; }?>


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

The only problem here is that $ sCurrentFont has the wrong path specified, or a path where the file for loading is not located - this can only be corrected if you check all paths and assign either the correct path, or create the necessary folder structure and put the font file. This way is impossible to learn now, you need to use debugging, for example inserting echo $ sCurrentFont before these lines. Open the img-file captcha … ?width=144 after you insert debugging, the path should appear. Put the required file there


The script inserts in the news are always blocked for security reasons. You can use scripts, including their external method, not in Cutenews

SUpport Team.

For example, you have the file index.php

     <title>My site</title>
     <? include 'cutenews/show_news.php'; $ entry = cn_api_get_entry (); ?>

It is necessary to modify the file so that it will be so:

<? require_once ("cn_api.php"); $entry = cn_api_get_entry(); ?>

     <title>My site </title>
     <? if ($entry) {echo '<meta name="description" content="'. $entry['tg']. '" />'; }?>
     <? include 'cutenews/show_news.php'; ?>

Is the news in the administrative panel, for example, in the archives?


Here the inscription "Powered by" can not be changed by any styles because of the reasons for its immutability as a reference to the source of the engine, but it is necessary to correct the news styles so that this inscription was at the bottom but without changes in the style of the inscription itself.


This can be done by inserting a code on the page (at the very top of the php page):

     require_once ("cn_api.php");
     $ entry = cn_api_get_entry ();

And then, somewhere in the code where HEAD is output, for example:

<? If ($ entry) {echo '<meta .... content = "'. $ entry ['tg']. '" />'; }?>
</ head>

To output the tags. The way of displaying is given approximately, it will be necessary to correct.


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)

Judging by the resulting error, the font file still was not loaded. Probably, the wrong way is specified.

The font is loaded into lines 296 and 304 - you need to check them.


First, put Cutenews on the local server (localhost), and check there the creation of the user - you need to make sure that this is not related to any restrictions on the server. If it works on localhost, but does not exist on the server - then it will be necessary to search for the reason for the hosting provider.


Please check for the users.txt file in the cdata folder and its permissions. If there is no file, then create it with the permission for writing (for example, 664).


Does your page look like this - ?

Do you enter all the data in the left field?

You can edit the date in the very form of news editing, in the "date"


How was it done earlier? If you mean changing the news output template, then you need to edit the template Dashboard> Templates, the "Full" template.


It is possible to switch to a different type of page numbering, it is enough to disable Rewrite Engine in the settings

Dashboard > System configurations > Rewrite > Use rewrite engine


(9 replies, posted in Problem Solving / Help & Support)


It seems that you do not upload a font file. Check the availability and availability of the font file.

In order to broadcast Cutenews, you need to go to index.php? Mod = main & opt = locale section of Localization, enter the necessary phrase and translate it.

For example, the phrase "Localization" and its translation.

In order to broadcast Cutenews, you need to go to index.php? Mod = main & opt = locale section of Localization, enter the necessary phrase and translate it.

For example, the phrase "Localization" and its translation.